
Disclaimer: The services provided by My Life, My Journey are for educational purposes only. All services are provided in good faith, and are in no way intended to serve as a substitute for mental health therapy, mental health diagnosis, nor medication management for treatment of mental health disorders. Participants are encouraged to seek advice regarding specific mental health questions from a licensed mental health professional. 

Individual Classes and Education

Offers guidance and support as the individual figures out ways to better manage life and adjust to change or adversity. Additionally, it is generally used to denote a relatively brief treatment that is focused primarily on behavior. It often targets a particular symptom or problematic situation and offers suggestions and advice for dealing with it.

Parenting Intervention and Education

To strengthen parents' and other caregivers' knowledge about how their actions affect child development and give them skills to help their child's health development and school readiness.

Supervised Family Visitation 

To provide a safe and neutral environment for children to have a relationship with non-custodial parents and is often used in high conflict situations. Visitation also allows a connection to remain between the non-custodial parent and the child so that the child does not feel abandoned.

Domestic Violence Crisis Intervention and Education

To provide advocacy and education as it relates to domestic violence. To prevent violence as it empowers individuals socially, economically, and personally

Support Groups/Educational Activities

Allows members with the same issues to come together for sharing coping strategies, to feel more empowered and for a sense of community. They also present an opportunity for members to learn that others share their concerns and problems and offer reasons for hope.

Safety Planning

Plan for increasing safety and preparing in advance for the possibility for further violence.

Community Referral Services

Community resources provided to the client as it pertains to the immediate issues they may be facing.
© My Life My Journey, LLC. 2020